Registration Form


Registration fee: US$ 450.00.
Includes one coffee break and a printed copy of the slides used in the presentation.


A - Mail a check to Jenkins Sugar Group, Inc. (address below).
B - Please wire to (all charges to be paid by remitter): Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas - New York
Swift Code: BKTRUS33
Account nr: 04004949
In favor of Banco Itau S.A.
Swift Code: ITAUBRSP

For Further Credit to: JOB Consultores Econômicos Ltda
Branch number: 0740
Account number: 48350-8

If you are interested in attending the seminar, please fill out the above form and (A) return it with the check to Jenkins Sugar Group, Inc., whose mailing address is below, or (B) send a fax with the bank deposit confirmation to our fax as below:

JSG Commodities
16 South Main Street
Suite 202
South Norwalk, CT 06897, USA
Phone (1) (203) 853 3000

JOB Consultores Econômicos Ltda
Alameda Santos, 200 - Conjunto 22
Cerqueira Cesar - CEP 01418-000
São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Fax/phone number: (55) (11) 3284-9500

The Seminar will last for half a day, from 2:30 PM. to 6:00 PM, with one brief coffee-break.

The slides used in the presentation will be available to participants in printed form.

Ronaldo Santana
Tel/Fax: 11.3284.9500
SKYPE: job.escritorio
JSG Commodities
Phone: (1) (203) 853 3000
Fax: (1) (203) 563 6106